Monday, May 20, 2013

When You See Blood In The Toilet

When You See Blood In The Toilet

Ever hear the expression:
"You must be a hemorrhoid because you're such a pain in the a**"?

And then there's a bumper sticker that says:
If you're not a hemorrhoid, get off my butt.

Humorist Dave Barry says that you know you're middle aged when hemorrhoid jokes stop being funny.
Ah yes, when you have hemorrhoids, it's truly NO laughing matter.
Let's take a peek at what's going on behind the scenes with this P.I.T.A. and its "kissing cousin" -- an anal fissure.

A hemorrhoid vs. an anal fissure
Hemorrhoids are actually swollen and inflamed veins around your anus or in the lower rectum.
An anal fissure, on the other hand, is an actual tear in the lining of your anal canal.
The symptoms of both are similar and include:
- Pain or burning during bowel movements
- Bright red blood on the outer portion of your feces or on the toilet paper
- Itching or irritation around your anal area

Hemorrhoids and fissures are most commonly the result of chronic constipation or diarrhea.
In addition, hemorrhoids can be brought on by pregnancy, while childbirth or anal intercourse can lead to a fissure.

The wrath and the crazy "solutions"
Although they don't cause life-threatening complications, hemorrhoids and fissures are very uncomfortable and can be, well, downright embarrassing.
Let's face it -- it's difficult to concentrate on school or work, sit still during meetings or classes, walk for extended periods of time or enjoy intimacy when your back side is hurting, burning, itching and even bleeding.
Now, if an anal fissure is severe enough, it can extend into your internal anal sphincter, which is a ring of muscle that holds your anus closed except during bowel movements.
A tear in the sphincter muscle causes it to spasm, which then makes the tear even worse and prevents healing. At that point, surgery is usually needed to close the fissure and stop your pain.

Keep your anus young-looking?
Now, another up and coming "solution" for fissures is--get this--Botox injections!
Yup--the same stuff that paralyzes countless faces as it erases wrinkles in Hollywood can now paralyze your butt. How nice.
Oh, and the possible side effects include pain at the injection site and leakage of gas or stool (anal incontinence).
Ooops! Better get some Depends.
And let's not forget that common surgeries for hemorrhoids include squeezing them off with rubber bands (ligation), laser burning or cutting them out (hemorrhoidectomy).
I can't even think of those without wincing.  And many times the hemorrhoids can return after you've had these done.

Other hemorrhoid/fissure treatments
In addition to surgery, other medical treatments are:
* Hydrocortisone cream
* Rectal steroid cream
* Nitroglycerine ointment
* Sitz baths

But just like with most other pharmaceutical offerings, these are merely a band-aid approach that do nothing to address the underlying CAUSE of the fissure or hemorrhoid -- which in most cases is incomplete digestion and anything-but-normal bowel movements. can slather on all the creams you want where the sun don't shine, but if you don't stop what caused the fissure or hemorrhoid to begin with, you can bet your bottom dollar (no pun intended) you'll get another one. And another. And another.
And while sitz baths do help ease the inflammation, once the bath is over so is your relief.

A better idea -- Heal hemorrhoids & fissures from inside
The best way to help heal hemorrhoids and anal fissures and prevent them from recurring is to make your digestion as smooth and efficient as possible.
And that's the result of two key factors:
1- What you eat
The typical American-type diet is loaded with nutrient-poor junk and combinations of foods that don't digest well when eaten together.
This causes inefficient digestion and leads to wastes that don't move through your intestines (and anus) like they should.
In other words, hello chronic constipation or diarrhea.
Plus you're practically putting out the welcome mat for hemorrhoids and anal fissures.
But the valuable information inside the pages of the Great Taste No Pain manuals can help turn that around for you fast.
GTNP teaches you the few very simple principles you need to know to make all of your meals healthy, delicious and a snap for your system to digest.
Completely digested food means smoother bowel movements -- and less chance of hemorrhoids or fissures!
Nice and easy.
Now, if you've got gluten challenges on top of everything else, no worries. I've got you covered with Great Taste No Gluten--the gluten free version of Great Taste No Pain.

2- Your intestinal flora
The beneficial bacteria in your intestines help digest your foods and aid in nutrient absorption.
But when they are greatly outnumbered by harmful bacteria (and many people's are thanks to our diets high in refined carbs and soda), they can't do their job.
Plus the harmful bacteria make your intestinal wall porous, which can then let toxins and undigested foods seep out into your abdomen and bloodstream, making you sicker and causing even more pain.
Along with a healthy diet, Super Shield multi-strain probiotic formula can help bring your intestinal flora back into a good balance (at least 85% beneficial bacteria and no more than 15% harmful).
One of the superstar beneficial bacteria in Super Shield is Bifidobacteria Lactis BL4.
It colonizes very well in your colon, bringing about natural intestinal balance faster.
In studies, B. Lactis has shown to relieve constipation and diarrhea symptoms and improve the overall intestinal environment. It also destroys unfriendly bacteria in the gut because it produces hydrogen peroxide, which is an excellent natural antibacterial agent.
Let B. Lactis and Super Shield's 12 other potent probiotic strains bring about a healthier intestinal flora balance (and better digestion) for you.

Remember: Hemorrhoids, fissures and other GI problems don't need to be YOUR problem any longer.
See for yourself what a difference it can make to help encourage smooth digestion and a strong flora balance.
I'm sure you'll see the difference very soon like Kathleen did below!
To your health,
Sherry Brescia
PS: We're now on Facebook! Like us here:

PPS:  Kathleen said goodbye to hemorrhoids, constipation, reflux and more!
Dear Sherry:
I am 56 years old and have "stomach trouble" all my life, as long as I can remember. Some of the most bothersome problems in the past few years have been IBS, severe acid reflux, severe hemorrhoids, constipation, and pain and down my digestive tract.
My gastroenterologist has had me try all the medications he can think of, from Aciphex, to Protonix, to Nexium and more.
Within 2 days I had to stop taking each one, because I could not tolerate the side effects of fatigue, depression and constipation. They were so debilitating I could not go to work.
The doctor told me the acid reflux could develop into cancer if it is not brought under control right away. Scared, I went to the internet to scan my options.
I have always wanted to treat my body with natural ways and was delighted to come across your website, Great Taste No Pain. The success stories of so many others, plus what you have experienced, motivated me to finally order your program, even though money was very tight for me.
I just wanted to feel well again and someday help others see how they can feel better, too, without drugs.
The first day I tried your Great Taste No Pain plan, my intestinal tract calmed down and I had much less gas and a great surprise to me, more energy, less sleepiness!
Encouraged I stayed on it 2 weeks and saw a great decrease in constipation, gas, and hemorrhoids.
Now a month later, my system has adjusted to it even better and I am no longer so hungry during the day and can eat smaller amounts and be satisfied. Heartburn has disappeared and my whole digestive system seems at peace.
What relief! I also have less incontinence, and who would have thought that would be helped?!
Thank you for sharing your wisdom and experience with all of us out here. I am sure we all cringe when we see others eat so opposite of the way they need to, yet that was me just a little while ago. I hope to pass on your website to as many as I can.
Thank you so much,
Check out THOUSANDS of Great Taste No Pain success stories here.
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**The FDA has not evaluated all of these statements. The contents of this email are not to be considered medical advice and are for educational purposes only. If you are experiencing health challenges, always consult your doctor for medical advice and follow it even if it contradicts the contents of this email.**
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